(1) We are the only online magazine that focuses on the achievements of community women, not celebrities, thereby offering real empowerment to real women.
(2 ) We believe in the "un-sung" urban women across the nation! We celebrate thier beauty, achievements, and foster healthy, real and positive images of minority women using online and social media platforms thereby sharing them with the nation. We hope to be a positive media source changing the perception of urban women.
(3) We encourage readers to engage in the digitial age by using the latest in online media and social media tools
(4) Our staff members are all urban, engaged in thier community, and offer content that is current, relavent, and written in a “conversational” voice, therefore making it more relatable.
(5) We give prominence to promoting positive images and stories of urban women, while championing the causes that inspire and empower them.
(6) We redefine DIVA and beleive every woman can be one: A female bodly living in the fullest potential of her Divine design,
(7) We offer updates monthly with a full online issue and weekly with event coverage, videos, podcasts, picture galleries, blogs, behind the scenes, etc.